
What is it$%:

Coral calcium has, over the last few years, quickly ascended to become one of the most popular supplements of all time, capturing the imagination of millions. As such, many absolutely ludicrous claims have been attributed to this nutrient, in an attempt to capitalize on the frenzy. will separate the myth and the hype from the truth, in a straightforward fashion.

First, Coral calcium, as the name implies, comes from coral reefs in the ocean off the islands of Japan, particularly Okinawa. Coral reefs are living organisms; however, coral calcium supplements are produced from deceased coral. The coral is high in calcium content due to the tiny polyps, which feed on an abundance of mineral rich plankton.

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The coral is not killed to make supplements, but rather dies of natural processes. Once it dies, the coral either descends to the ocean floor or becomes washed up on shore. Coral calcium supplements produced from the coral on the ocean bottom are called "below sea," sometimes also referred to as "marine coral calcium"; the supplements produced from coral that was washed up on shore are called "above sea" or "fossilized coral calcium."

The distinction between below sea and above sea is crucial. Here's why:

Coral that is harvested from the ocean is highly contaminated. Oceans throughout the world, with Japan being no exception, harbor a great deal of industrial pollutants, and PCB's (Pesticide residues). If you live in the U.S. (as we do) you are probably aware of the FDA's recommendation to not consume more than a certain amount of ocean fish due to toxins such as mercury.

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Because of this contamination issue, the coral calcium harvested from the bottom of the ocean floors must be heated to extremely high temperatures in an attempt to evaporate the majority of the heavy metals and toxins.

In addition, harvesting the below sea coral calcium is deemed to be highly ecologically damaging by many: big ocean dredges are used to suck it up off the ocean floor, and in the process, many other sea life and structures are indiscriminately vacuumed up in the process.

On the other hand, above sea coral calcium that has been washed ashore does not face the same contamination issues, as they are not exposed to the ocean's toxins. It is also important to understand that the above sea coral calcium was washed ashore millions of years ago, and which have since formed islands of coral. Therefore, when this coral did exist in the ocean, it was at a time when the waters were pristine and unpolluted by man.

Coral calcium harvested above sea is not subject to extremely high temperatures, but instead is treated with ozone to kill off any bacteria present.

How can Coral Calcium benefit you$%:

First, we're sorry to say that there is no medical evidence or clincal studies that coral calcium can cure over 200 diseases, as if often claimed, nor is it the cure for cancer, which seems to be the benefit espoused most prominently by many purveyors of the product.

Many of the attributed health benefits of coral calcium arose by taking data about the people of Okinawa, Japan, and then extrapolating these as having been the result of taking coral calcium.

For example, Okinawa has 10 times the number of centenarians (people aged 100 and above) than the U.S. Okinawans have a far less incidence of coronary heart disease, strokes, and certain types of cancer compared to North Americans. Okinawans are often found in excellent health, and in full possession of their mental faculties into their 80's and 90's.

The truth, however, is that longevity and vibrant health is multi-faceted, and never the result of a single cause.

For example, studies done on the Okinawans show that they:

1. Consume a lot of plant-based nutrients, fish, soy, and little red meat. Their daily caloric intake is far less than North Americans on average.

2. Regular exercise is a natural part of their daily routine and, in fact, a lifelong activity.

3. Live less stressful lifestyles than Westerners, and take far fewer prescription drugs.

4. Enjoy strong social support in their elder years.

All of this is not to say that coral calcium does not play a crucial role in the longevity of Okinawans. It most assuredly does. But it's important to realize that you cannot just take a supplement -- even the most beneficial --and expect to live past 100 in perfect health.

On the other hand, it is medically accepted that calcium plays many vital roles in the body. Chief among them are: allowing the body to heal properly from wounds, promoting the healthy functioning of the heart, helping nutrients disperse across cell membranes, lowering blood pressure, and keeping bones and teeth strong. As a corollary, calcium is extremely important in preventing osteoporosis.

Osteoporosis is often known as the "silent killer" because it can go undetected for years, until one day a slip or fall could cause already weakened bones to easily fracture.

Coral Calcium is a highly absorbable form of calcium, proven by studies to be significantly better than milk or daily sources (and without the high amounts of undesirable saturated fats). This is one of the reasons why coral calcium is indeed a powerful health supplement.

Moreover, coral calcium contains much more than just calcium. The tiny polyps, as mentioned above, that eventually form coral reefs ingest a great many minerals, giving coral calcium a natural content of over 70 different kinds of minerals.

This is important because many minerals (and vitamins) work synergistically with one another. For example, calcium requires vitamin D and magnesium to be effective.

Precautions about Coral Calcium

People with kidney disease or poor kidney function should avoid taking coral calcium.
Some promoters would have you believe that more necessarily means better. This is false. Everything -- even water -- can be potentially deadly if consumed in too great an excess. In the case of calcium, too much can lead to hypercalcemia, which can cause: disturbances in neuromuscular function, muscle weakness, dehydration, thirst, vomiting and constipation.

At Nutritional-Supplement-Guides, we believe there is no reason to exceed 2 grams per day, with 1 to 1.5 grams probably being optimal.

Tips on Choosing a Coral Calcium Supplement

There is much debate on which form of coral calcium is better --- above sea or below sea. At Nutritional-Supplement-Info, we believe above sea is superior.
Here's why:

1. Below sea coral, as mentioned above, is highly contaminated, and needs to be subjected to extreme heat to remove impurities, and even after this treatment, it still harbors more pollutants than above sea coral, even before it is treated with ozone.

2. We are environmentalists at heart, and don't like the ecologically damaging aspects of below sea coral dredging.

3. Above sea coral calcium has a higher concentration of calcium per serving. Above sea coral contains approximately 35% calcium concentration, while below sea contains about 23%. Remember that coral calcium is comprised of many other minerals, not just calcium, but we believe if you're purchasing a coral calcium supplement, you should be looking for the best yield of calcium per serving.

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